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Office of Academic Affairs

Faculty Handbook

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University Professors

  1. Policy
    1. The designation of University Professor has been established in order to recognize faculty members at the University who are outstanding teachers at the undergraduate level. Only tenured faculty members will be considered for this honor. Designated faculty members will hold the title permanently, be so identified in University publications, and will receive an annual monetary award of discretionary funds to support their professional development for the four years following their appointment. The names of all University Professors will be engraved on a plaque to be prominently displayed at the University. Faculty holding the designation of University Professor may not be reappointed.

  2. Procedure
    1. Nomination will be in writing by a tenured departmental colleague in the nominee's discipline by September 1.
      1. The chair of the department shall provide the full nomination packet to the department tenured faculty prior to the ballot, and the chair of the department promotion and tenure committee shall conduct a secret ballot of all tenured members of the department/school and submit the vote with the nomination. Upon affirmation of a majority of those voting, the chair shall forward the nomination(s) to the dean.

      2. The dean of the college shall evaluate the credentials and submit the names of no more than 10% of the tenured faculty in their college for nomination to the University Professors Committee.

      3. The University Professors Committee shall normally be comprised of one tenured faculty member from each college who holds the designation of University Professor as selected by the College Promotion and Tenure Committee. The University Professors Committee may, by an affirmative vote of at least four members, recommend designation to the provost and vice president for academic affairs who will make the final designation not later than January 1 for the next year.

    2. Criteria
      1. Each nominee shall ordinarily teach a minimum of three undergraduate courses per year for at least the past three years.

      2. Faculty nominated for consideration as University Professors shall have a record of superior accomplishment in teaching. The nominee shall document this record with evidence such as results of student opinion surveys, peer evaluation, statements from former students, and other relevant information.
        1. The nomination packet shall include:
          1. Personal statement by the person nominated describing general teaching philosophy [maximum two pages double spaced].

          2. Documentation of teaching innovations.

          3. Additional documentation such as a current Portfolio Review is required.

          4. Curriculum vitae with priority given to activities and awards that focus on teaching [maximum two pages].

          5. Professor's teaching log listing courses taught in the last five years with number of students, numerical student opinion surveys for the last five years, grade distributions from the last three years, and all student comments for the last three years.

          6. In addition to the nomination letter, no more than four letters of support with at least two written by former students who have graduated from the University. The other two may come from persons in the community of his or her profession including former students [maximum 12 pages]. All letters should be solicited by and sent to the nominator not the nominee.

 - Approved by the president
December 12, 2003
Revised May 17, 2004
Revised May 12, 2005
Revised March 18, 2011

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