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Office of Academic Affairs

Faculty Handbook

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Promotion in Rank

NUMBER: 1412
APPROVED: September 26, 2013; Revised June 9, 2016 (eff. 7/1/16);
Revised June 6, 2017 (eff. 7/1/17); Revised June 14, 2018 (eff. 7/1/18); Revised June 13, 2019 (eff. 7/1/19); Revised June 18, 2020 (eff. 7/1/20); Revised June 17, 2021 (eff. 7/1/21); Revised June 16, 2023
  1. Board of Visitors Policy
    1. All promotions in rank are based on evaluation of the faculty member's performance.
      1. A tenure-track faculty member's performance in teaching, research, and service (as appropriate) is evaluated over the total time in the previous rank as compared to the criteria established by the Board of Visitors for the rank being considered and any other criteria established by the department or college.

      2. A non-tenure track research faculty member's performance in research, service (as appropriate) and teaching (as appropriate) is evaluated over the total time in the previous rank as compared to the criteria established by the Board of Visitors for the rank being considered and any other criteria established by the center.

    2. Promotion to the rank of associate professor must occur at the time of the tenure award, and the policy on tenure applies.

    3. Promotion to the rank of full professor is normally considered no earlier than during the sixth year of a faculty member's service as associate professor at Old Dominion University. Exceptions are made only under the following circumstances:
      1. A faculty member who has held the rank of associate professor at another institution and was initially appointed to Old Dominion University at the rank of associate professor may be considered for promotion at the time of the award of tenure.

      2. A faculty member of extraordinary merit may be considered for promotion to the rank of full professor before the sixth year as associate professor at Old Dominion University.

    4. The president, upon the recommendation of the Faculty Senate, shall establish procedures for consideration of promotion to the rank of full professor (as well as for the designation as eminent scholar). Such procedures shall require consideration and recommendation by faculty members at the department and college level, the chair, the dean, and the University Promotion and Tenure Committee. The decision concerning promotion is to be made by the provost and vice president for academic affairs. If the provost and vice president for academic affairs decides against promotion, the faculty member may request a review by the president. The decision of the president is final.

  2. Procedures for Promotion in Rank to Full Professor
    1. Considerations Concerning Promotion
      1. Each faculty committee and administrator considering a promotion case must specifically consider factors listed below as they apply to each case in the written recommendations that are submitted up the line to the provost and vice president for academic affairs. In the case of committees, the vote must be recorded in the recommendation, and the reasons produced by the minority members must be specified.

      2. Each committee and administrator making a recommendation concerning promotion considers evidence of the faculty member's performance over the total time in which the previous rank has been held as compared to the guidelines for the rank being considered as established by the Board of Visitors and any other guidelines established by the department or college.

      3. The total rank structure of the department should be considered.

      4. At the least, the committees and administrators should examine faculty information sheets, chair evaluations, dean's evaluations, and any other evidence submitted by the faculty member, the chair of the department, or any other relevant source. It is the responsibility of the department chair and the departmental promotion and tenure committee to provide an assessment of the quality of the publications for the faculty being considered for promotion. It is the responsibility of the faculty member to ensure that all information submitted by him or her in support of promotion is factually accurate and valid, and to provide corroborating evidence (e.g., web links, complete citations, grant numbers, etc.) for all claimed accomplishments. The evidence should address the quality of the journals and the reputation of book and other such publishers. Fraudulent or non-valid claims can lead to faculty sanctions, including denial of promotion. The chair should work with promotion candidates to ensure the completeness and accuracy of their portfolios. The chair and the department promotion and tenure committee as a part of the regular review process should verify the accuracy of portfolio elements that are central to the promotion case. Should concerns be raised about the validity of a candidate's claims by external or internal reviewers, it is the chair's responsibility to verify those claims. The promotion process will be paused while the chair verifies those claims.

    2. External evaluation of the faculty member's research and scholarly activity by nationally recognized experts in the field of specialization will be required.
      1. The responsibility for initiating the external review, securing the reviewers, and forwarding complete review files to the dean, provost and vice president for academic affairs, and the University Promotion and Tenure Committee belongs to the department chair. If the department chair does not have the rank of full professor, all chair responsibilities for promotion to full professor will be delegated by the dean to a full professor in the department or from another department within the same college who will assume all of the chair's responsibilities described below. This appointed full professor, acting in the role of chair, cannot take part in any deliberations or votes of the departmental, college or University promotion committees while the promotion case is being considered. In promotion of department chairs, the responsibility belongs to the dean.

      2. External reviewers with academic positions must hold the same rank or higher than the promotion rank for which the faculty member is being considered; exceptions should be justified by the dean. The department tenure and promotion committee and the candidate will prepare separate lists of potential reviewers. The candidate will review both lists and will document personal and professional relationships with all potential reviewers, including potential conflicts of interest. This documentation will become part of the promotion file. The chair (or designee, see 1 above) will select three reviewers from the candidate's list and three reviewers from the department tenure and promotion committee's list; the chair (or designee) will provide the list of reviewers to the dean. The dean will submit an agreed upon list to the provost and vice president for academic affairs for final approval prior to initiating the review process. The final list of external reviewers, together with the documentation of personal and professional relationships by the candidate (as outlined above), should be included as part of the application package for all internal reviewers. External reviewers should not be close collaborators or (former) mentors of the candidate. In general, co-authors on publications should also be excluded as external reviewers, except as permissible under the departmental statement on evaluation of research (see the Policy on the Evaluation of Scholarly Activity and Research). The selection of potential external reviewers must be completed before the end of the semester prior to the submission of credentials for promotion.

      3. External reviews will be confidential; reviewers will be so advised. Requests for exception to the confidentiality of external reviews should be made directly to the provost and vice president for academic affairs before the reviewers are asked to submit evaluations. If an exception is approved, candidates for promotion will be allowed access to the substance of external reviews, but the authorship of specific external reviews and other identifying information contained therein will remain confidential. All external reviewers will receive a standard letter sent by the chair but prepared by the provost and vice president for academic affairs in consultation with the deans and a copy of the policy on external reviews so their responsibilities will be clear.

      4. A curriculum vitae will be required of each external reviewer. Each reviewer will be asked to describe any personal or professional relationship with the candidate. It is the responsibility of the chair to include a curriculum vitae of each reviewer. For promotion of department chairs, the responsibility belongs to the dean.

      5. External reviewers will be asked to evaluate all submitted material mailed to them. Candidates for promotion are responsible for the preparation of the research portfolio and curriculum vitae to be sent to external reviewers. In the case of the arts, reviewers may be asked to consider works of art or performances. External reviewers will be asked to evaluate: a) the quality of the scholarship or creative work under review; and b) the scholarly reputation (regional, national, international) of the candidate.

      6. All candidates for promotion to full professor will be required to have their scholarship evaluated by no fewer than four external reviewers. If fewer than four reviews are received, the chair will choose additional reviewers alternately from the lists of the department promotion and tenure committee and of the candidate.

      7. The University and college administration will assist departments where reasonable expenses are necessary to obtain appropriate external reviews.

    3. A candidate for promotion in rank is initially considered by the faculty members in the department who hold the rank being considered or above.[1] Only faculty holding the rank of full professor are eligible to deliberate, review, or otherwise participate and vote on candidates for promotion to full professor.
      1. In the case of large departments, the faculty members in the rank being considered or above may select a committee from their ranks to consider and make recommendations concerning promotion. In that case, it is the responsibility of the committee to elicit opinions from all faculty members holding the rank being considered or above.

      2. In departments where fewer than three members hold appointments in the rank being considered or above, the dean, in consultation with the chair (or designee; see section II.B.1.), will appoint enough additional faculty in the rank or above from other disciplines to form a committee of at least three.

      3. Candidates for promotion should provide a statement of potential external and/or internal reviewers with whom there is a conflict of interest, e.g., co-authors, co-investigators, etc.

      4. The group of faculty on the promotion committee elect a chair of the committee among their members. It is the responsibility of that chair to direct the committee members to consider and apply the relevant sections in the Teaching and Research Faculty Handbook and the departmental statement on research evaluation in their comments and votes.

      5. No dean, full- or part-time associate dean, or assistant dean, or other full-time administrator or department chair (or designee; see section II.B.1.) shall attend or participate in the deliberation of either the departmental, college, or University Promotion and Tenure Committee. The deliberations of all three committees are confidential and must not be shared with anyone outside of the committee.

      6. The college committees shall consist of one tenured faculty member from each department in the college. All members of the college promotion and tenure committees shall be elected directly by the faculties they represent for a one-year term renewable twice for a total of three years. This member shall be chosen by majority vote of all full-time, tenure-track teaching and research faculty members of the department, present and voting, by secret ballot before April 15 of each year for the ensuing year. Every reasonable effort should be made to ensure that there are at least three full professors on the college committee. If the elected representative of a department will not be able to attend college committee meetings for a significant time span, the department may elect a temporary replacement for that time span. No person shall serve on a college promotion and tenure committee for more than three years consecutively but is eligible for reelection after an absence of at least one year. Only faculty holding the rank of full professor are eligible to join the deliberations and the vote on candidates for promotion to full professor. If the home department of a candidate for promotion to full professor has no full professor representing it on the college committee, a member of the departmental promotion committee for that candidate (convened as described in section C.1. and C.2. above) shall be elected to serve as its representative only for the duration of the deliberations on that specific candidate. In any case, the representative from a promotion candidate's department will participate in deliberations in the candidate's case but will not cast a vote.

      7. The University Promotion and Tenure Committee shall consist of one tenured full professor from each of the major degree-granting academic colleges. This member shall be elected by his/her college's promotion and tenure committee(s) by September 15. The University Promotion and Tenure Committee shall elect one of its members as chair.[1] No person shall serve on the University Promotion and Tenure Committee for more than three years consecutively but is eligible for reelection after an absence of at least one year. The representative from a promotion candidate's college will participate in deliberations in the candidate's case but will not cast a vote.
      8. Any committee member who participates in the promotion process votes at most only once on any particular case.

      9. In order to ensure transparency, fairness, and equity in the internal review process, a faculty member or administrator who participates in the promotion process must disclose any potential conflict of interest that might undermine the credibility of the process. The chair of the department (or replacement, see section II.B.1.) will work in consultation with the dean of the college to decide whether the person should be excluded from serving on the review committee.

      10. The faculty member under consideration is informed whenever a committee is considering promotion and is given an opportunity to submit a statement (in electronic form) to the Provost's Office in support of their promotion case, or to correct any factual misinformation in previous recommendations. The Provost's Office will add such statements to the candidate's file.

      11. In case of material new accomplishments before the conclusion of the evaluation process, additional documentation may be added to the portfolio with the concurrence of the dean. Such additional material must be clearly marked as such and dated at the time of addition to the promotion file by the Provost's Office. If such additional documentation is considered, this must be clearly documented in the recommendation letters by the committee or individual (e.g. dean) who first see this new material.

    4. The committee or faculty group makes its recommendation concerning promotion to the chair (or designee; see section II.B.1.) together with reasons for the recommendation (including a minority statement in the case of a non-unanimous vote). All eligible committee members shall vote yes or no through a secret ballot after participating (either in person or remotely) in the deliberations of the committee. Proxy votes or votes submitted by non-secure means (e.g., email or communication accessible to a third party) are not permitted. The chair of the committee shall record the names of all members participating in the discussion and voting in the recommendation letter, as well as the total number of votes in favor and against. Only those faculty present as the candidate is being reviewed during the deliberations can participate in drafting or approving the letter. In instances of a non-unanimous vote, the minority opinion must be included in the committee recommendation and the minority must be given the option to write the minority opinion. A copy of the recommendation letter will be sent to the faculty member by the chair of the committee. The department chair (or designee) evaluates independently the credentials of the faculty member, the rank structure of the department, and any additional evidence presented, either by the faculty member or from any other source, and makes a recommendation, with reasons, concerning promotion. A copy of that review and recommendation letter will be sent to the faculty member and the dean by the chair of the department.

    5. If either the departmental committee (or group), or the chair (or designee), or both recommend promotion, the faculty member's credentials together with the recommendation of the faculty committee and the chair (or designee) will be forwarded to a promotion committee of the college for consideration. This committee will make an independent evaluation and make a recommendation concerning promotion with reasons (including reasons of the minority), to the dean. The recommendations will indicate the vote of the committee. All eligible committee members shall vote yes or no through a secret ballot after participating (either in person or remotely) in the deliberations of the committee. Proxy votes or votes submitted by non-secure means (e.g., email or communication accessible to a third party) are not permitted. Members who are eligible to vote on a specific candidate's promotion application are defined in section II.C.5. In instances of a non-unanimous vote of all eligible voting members, the minority opinion must be included in the committee recommendation and the minority must be given the option to write the minority opinion.

    6. If neither the faculty committee (or group) nor the chair (or designee) recommend promotion, the faculty member will not be considered for promotion in the coming year unless a review by the college promotion committee and the dean is requested by the faculty member. If a review is requested, the departmental committee and the chair forward all documents to the promotion committee of the college, which examines them and makes a recommendation concerning promotion to the dean following the stipulations of II.E. above. The dean examines all documents, including the recommendation of the college committee, and makes a determination concerning promotion. If the dean's determination is negative and is in accordance with the recommendations of the departmental committee, the chair, and the college committee, then the faculty member is not promoted for the coming year. If the dean's determination is negative and is not in accordance with all previous recommendations, the faculty member may request a further review by the provost and vice president for academic affairs. The decision of the provost and vice president for academic affairs is final in such cases.

    7. The dean, considering all previous recommendations and all credentials, then makes a recommendation concerning promotion, which is forwarded, with reasons, to the provost and vice president for academic affairs.

    8. The University Promotion and Tenure Committee, consisting of one tenured full professor from each of the major degree-granting academic colleges, examines the facts and all previous recommendations and documentation, and makes a recommendation (with reasons, including minority reasons, if any) concerning promotion, which is forwarded to the provost and vice president for academic affairs. All eligible committee members shall vote yes or no through a secret ballot after participating (either in person or remotely) in the deliberations of the committee. Proxy votes or votes submitted by non-secure means (e.g., email or communication accessible to a third party) are not permitted. Members who are eligible to vote on a specific candidate's promotion application are defined in section II.C.6. In instances of a non-unanimous vote of all eligible voting members, the minority opinion must be included in the committee recommendation and the minority must be given the option to write the minority opinion.

    9. On the basis of all the evaluations and recommendations presented, and after consultation with staff, the provost and vice president for academic affairs makes a decision concerning promotion for the coming year. If the recommendations of the committees and administrators that have previously considered the case have not been in agreement with one another, or if the provost and vice president for academic affairs disagrees with the recommendations that have been in agreement with one another, the provost and vice president for academic affairs shall consult with the chair, the dean, and the University Promotion and Tenure Committee before reaching a final decision. The decision of the provost and vice president for academic affairs will consist of one of the following:
      1. promotion

      2. deferral

    10. If the decision of the provost and vice president for academic affairs is for promotion, the faculty member will receive the higher rank in the subsequent academic year. The decision of the provost and vice president for academic affairs will be reported to the president.

    11. The faculty member may request that the president review a negative decision by the provost and vice president for academic affairs. The decision of the president is final.

    12. All promotions are reported by the president to the Board of Visitors.

    13. Copies of the recommendations by all committees, chairs, deans and the provost and vice president for academic affairs shall be provided to the faculty member being considered for promotion. The faculty member will be provided opportunity to correct any factual misinformation in such recommendations by placing a letter in his or her promotion file at any stage, or up until April 1, to the provost and vice president for academic affairs.

    14. The above procedures at the department and college level may be suitably adapted for faculty members who hold interdisciplinary or interdepartmental appointments. The adapted procedures should be recommended by the promotion and tenure committee of the college or colleges involved and approved by the dean or deans and the provost and vice president for academic affairs. Procedures above the college level will be the same as those designated above in all cases.

  3. Research Faculty
    1. Promotion to the rank of research professor from the rank of research associate professor and promotion to the rank of research associate professor from the rank of research assistant professor shall be upon the recommendation of the department, chair, college promotion and tenure committee, dean and University Promotion and Tenure Committee to the provost and vice president for academic affairs. If the provost and vice president for academic affairs decides against the promotion, the person may request a review by the president. The decision of the president is final.

    2. The process for promotion to the rank of research professor and promotion to the rank of research associate professor will require external evaluation of the quality of the faculty member's research performance from nationally recognized experts in the faculty member's field; procedures for the external review process can be found in section II.B. of this policy.

    3. For those research faculty who only have appointments in one of the University-level research centers, the following promotion policy will apply. Research centers will establish a promotion committee to review faculty promotions and make recommendations to the center director. Appointments to this committee will follow the guidance of section II.C. of this policy pertaining to departments. This promotion committee should include at least one member from the academic department(s) most closely aligned to the center to ensure promotion considerations are being applied equitably between the faculty assigned to that department and those assigned to the center. In centers where fewer than three members hold appointments in the rank being considered or above, the center director will solicit members of the department(s) most closely aligned to the center, in consultation with the chair(s) of those department(s), to form a committee of at least three. The center director will review faculty promotion recommendations and will recommend to the vice president for research those members who have met the promotion criteria. The vice president for research will forward a recommendation regarding promotion to the Office of Academic Affairs for review by the University Promotion and Tenure Committee and the provost and vice president for academic affairs. The University Promotion and Tenure Committee will forward a recommendation to the provost and vice president for academic affairs. If the decision of the provost and vice president for academic affairs is for promotion, the faculty member will receive the higher rank in the subsequent academic year. The faculty member may request that the president review a negative decision by the provost and vice president for academic affairs. The decision of the president is final.

  4. Clinical Faculty
    1. Promotion to the rank of clinical professor from the rank of clinical associate professor and promotion to the rank of clinical associate professor from the rank of clinical assistant professor shall be upon the recommendation of the department promotion and tenure committee, department chair, college promotion and tenure committee, dean and University Promotion and Tenure Committee to the provost and vice president for academic affairs. If the provost and vice president for academic affairs decides against the promotion the person may request a review by the president. The decision of the president is final.

    2. The process for promotion to the rank of clinical professor and promotion to the rank of clinical associate professor will require external evaluation of the quality of the faculty member's scholarly activities from nationally recognized experts in the faculty member's field; procedures for the external review process can be found in section II.B. of this policy. The schedule for review will follow that for clinical faculty seeking promotion in rank.

  5. Lecturers may be promoted in rank to senior lecturer and senior lecturers may be promoted in rank to master lecturer. The applicable policies are contained in the section “Evaluation of Lecturers, Senior Lecturers, and Master Lecturers and Promotion of Lecturers and Senior Lecturers.”

  6. Part-time instructional faculty may be promoted in rank (for example, from adjunct assistant professor to adjunct associate professor) upon recommendation of the chair and dean to the provost and vice president for academic affairs. Full documentation of the credentials of the faculty member being recommended for promotion is required. If the provost and vice president for academic affairs denies the promotion, the faculty member may request a review by the president. The decision of the president is final.

[1] See the Schedules for Faculty Personnel actions in the appendix for specific dates and actions.

[1] The members of the faculty who are elected to serve on the University Promotion and Tenure Committee shall serve for the subsequent academic year. The promotion and tenure committee elected by each individual degree-granting college serve for an entire year, not for the spring semester of one year and the fall semester of the following year.

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