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Office of Academic Affairs

Faculty Handbook

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Post-Tenure Review Grievance Timeline

1. Chair's delivery of annual evaluation calling for post-tenure review and development of strategic plan August 1
2. Faculty objects to evaluation; provides additional information to dean and chair August 15
3. Dean issues faculty evaluation to provost which includes chair's evaluation and faculty comment September 1
4. Faculty objects to dean's evaluation and provides additional comment to dean and provost and vice president for academic affairs; last date for development of strategic plan; faculty must begin performance of strategic plan or chair may begin to impose sanction September 15
5. Provost and vice president for academic affairs responds to dean's evaluation October 1
6. Faculty files formal grievance with Faculty Grievance committee. The grievance will include all issues related to evaluating the strategic plan. March 10
7. Faculty delivers grievance to all members of Faculty Grievance Committee and designated administrative officer. March 10
8. Designated administrative officer files written response to grievance with all members of Faculty Grievance Committee; designated administrative officer response will include statement of charges March 17
Seven days from
receipt of Grievance
9. Chair of Faculty Grievance Committee convenes committee to determine whether grievance and response are procedurally adequate March 22
Two days
10. Faculty Grievance Committee creates hearing panel; each member of Faculty Grievance Committee names one member of hearing panel March 31
11. Chair of Faculty Grievance Committee sends grievance and response to each member of hearing panel and designated administrative officer April 1
12. Chair of hearing panel sends notice of hearing dateApril 2
(last date for hearing)
13. Parties submit to chair of hearing panel all documents and exhibitsApril 12
Five days
before hearing
14. Chair of hearing panel distributes documents and exhibits to hearing panel April 15
Two days
before hearing
15. Hearing and decision on grievance, statement of charges and sanction proposed in statement of charges April 17
(last day for
16. Hearing panel drafts report and transmits to president; copy to Faculty Grievance Committee and faculty member April 24
17. Faculty Grievance Committee reviews hearing panel report, issues Faculty Grievance Committee recommendation and transmits hearing panel report and Faculty Grievance Committee recommendation to president Seven days
after step 16
(May 1)
18. President issues final decision to all (hearing panel, Faculty Grievance Committee and faculty) May 15

 - Approved by the president
December 20, 2000
Revised April 22, 2022

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